Judeo-Christian history websites

“American Cornerstone Institute” (ACI) – “guided by our cornerstones of faith, liberty, community, and life, we will strengthen the bonds that hold our country together…”; offers “Conversations” (video interviews), “More Perfect Union” (American stories), a podcast, “Little Patriots” (free curriculum for kids – teaching America’s founding principles). and more.

“Armstrong Institute of Biblical Archaeology”“nonprofit, academic and education institution headquartered in Jerusalem, Israel. It sponsors and participates in archaeological excavations to promote Israel’s biblical archaeology.”; offers articles, excavations, publications, videos, infographics, and other visuals, and tours; also offers a free e-newsletter and subscription to magazine, “Let the Stones Speak”.

“Associates for Biblical Research”“Archaeological evidence, properly interpreted, upholds the history of the Bible.”; several books by the late Dr. David Livingston, website founder; offers quarterly “Bible & Spade” magazine subscription; archive issues available; “Jericho Unearthed” DVD also available.

“Bible Archaeology, Search & Exploration (BASE) Institute”“dedicated to the quest for archaeological evidence to help validate to the world that the Bible is true”; founded by Bob Cornuke; offers investigations, products, free stuff, & more.

“Bible Land Passages”intro video describing videos & photos; site “designed help others better understand and appreciate the Bible. We want everyone to know that when they read about places like Beersheba, Jericho, Jerusalem, Caesarea, and cities surrounding the Sea of Galilee, that those places exist just as the Bible describes. We are also dedicated to examining the lands of the Bible which can provide a window into the ancient past”; a project of “wvbs Online Video”.

“Biblical Archaeology Review”: magazine subscription from the “Archaeological Society: bringing the ancient world to life”

“Brinkman Adventures”“exciting radio show that tells true, modern, missionary stories through the fictional Brinkman family.  Each twenty-six minute episode contains a Biblical theme, lesson, and compelling drama that will keep you on the edge of your seat.  Using modern sound effects, original music, and superb writing”; produced by “Beachglass Ministries”; offers podcasts, blog, episode previews, & real stories.

“Bringing Back the Black Robed Regiment” – founded by pastor, author, & speaker; Dan Fisher; critical role of faith leaders in American history who defended the cause of liberty; learn more from his book of the same name.

“Creation Instruction Association” (CIA) – “teaches and confesses the inspiration, inerrancy and authority of the Word of God, not just for theology but for our scientific understandings and morals as well. Science does not interpret Scripture, rather Scripture interprets Scripture.”; founded by Brian Young; Brian Young also researches and teaches on Egyptian history and how Scripture lines up with the historical and archaeological record when the dates are realigned – can watch Part 1 of his webinar on this through the “Creation Fellowship Santee”.

“Doubting Thomas Research Foundation”“established to document the history of the theory and to provide our contributions to the historiography. Based on our research, we believe that Jabal Maqla in Saudi Arabia is the best candidate for Mount Sinai”.

“Hillsdale College” – offers free online courses (“The Constitution“, “An Introduction to C.S. Lewis”“The Federalist Papers”, etc.); offers “Imprimus”, a free monthly print or online newsletter with articles from major thinkers in our society; from their website: “Our world will change—what it means to be human will not. We ask our students to grapple with the timeless truths and enduring questions of the Western Tradition. This develops a foundation for the rest of their lives, from their choice of major to their choice of career.”

“Historical Faith Society” (HFS) – “uncovering historical patterns of evidence for the Bible and spreading these truths to the next generation”; offers articles and courses.

“Hometown Heroes Radio” – 1-hour inspiring & interesting audio program “honoring the men and women whose service and sacrifice have secured our freedom. Featuring interviews with veterans, primarily from the World War II generation, Hometown Heroes presents history through the perspectives of those who lived it”; Host, Paul Loeffler, travels around the country to connect with veterans and is convinced that: “No matter where you’re from in this great country of ours, no matter how big, or how small your hometown might be, there are heroes around you.”

“Museum of the Bible exists to invite all people to engage with the Bible: The museum, located in Washington, D.C, showcases fascinating artifacts and offers an immersive experience with the Bible and its ongoing impact on the world around us.”

“Patterns of Evidence” – created series of films with evidence for the truth of the Bible; founded by Tim Mahoney; also offers articles, homeschooling curriculum for elementary and teens, “Patterns of Evidence for Young Explorers” preteen curriculum, etc.

“Providence Foundation” “educating individuals in a Biblical worldview”; quote from D. James Kennedy, late senior minister of Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church: “I thank God for the Providence Foundation and for its rich contribution to our American heritage. Its preservation and dissemination of the priceless documents and preachments associated with the founding of our nation provide a continuing inspiration to this generation to value and to heed the Christian principles upon which our beloved country was established.”; offers articles, events, store, and “Worldview University”; also has YouTube channel.

“The Story of Liberty” – “believe the story of our God-given rights is the great missing link to restore our nation again”; offer live video online tours, Christian economics, interviews, history of holidays, news, education, miracles that saved America, & much more; also has a YouTube channel and published a book, The Law and Liberty”.

“Voice of the Martyrs”“nonprofit, interdenominational Christian missions organization dedicated to serving our persecuted family worldwide”; founded by WWII pastor tortured for 14 years before he, his wife, and son were ransomed free, Richard Wurmbrand (story told in movie, “Tortured for Christ”); offers free newsletter.

“Wallbuilders” “Presenting America’s forgotten history and heroes with an emphasis on our moral, religious and constitutional heritage”; historian, speaker, & founder, David Barton, offers kids’ books on American heroes, other Christian heroes, exact replicas of founding documents, curriculum, reprints of early American books; TV broadcast schedule.