Creation events

“Creation events” all over the country with map.

“Canyon Ministries” – Grand Canyon rim tours, guided hikes, and river tours; “experience the Grand Canyon from a biblical perspective”.

“Everything Fossil” – family dinosaur digs in South Dakota; “Do your kids love dinosaurs? Did you ever dream of what it would be like to be a paleontologist, digging up real dinosaur bones? Now you and your family can make that dream a reality on your next summer vacation! Create once-in-a-lifetime memories digging up real dinosaur bones as you connect with your family in God’s beautiful creation!”; also a source to purchase fossils, fossil replicas, etc.

“Genesis Apologetics”events & conferences; free online course, “DeBunking Evolution”, to equip students & families.

“Mission: Imperative” – offers Creation Seminar Safaris” of various topics for churches & groups & longer safari trips (10-day “Southwest Safaris” in Colorado & 16-day “African Wildlife Safaris”).

DINOSAUR DIGS from biblical perspective:

“Answers in Genesis” (AIG) – offers dinosaur digs with Buddy Davis in Montana; partners with
“Foundation Advancing Creation Truth” (FACT). .

“Glendive Dinosaur & Fossil Museum” – hosts
“Foundation Advancing Creation Truth” (FACT) dinosaur digs in the badlands of Montana.

“RforH” – offers dinosaur digs in Montana; partners with “Foundation Advancing Creation Truth” (FACT).